What is i love italy?
I Love Italy is the rotogravure in Italian broadcast monthly on short waves, the program is produced directly from my home studio, located in the Oltrepo Pavese (renamed Studio Pirata Oltrepo). The broadcast is broadcast on 15770 Kilohertz via WRMI Radio Miami International. The program is concentrated in 15 minutes of broadcast in Italian and is a spoken talk show, where we analyze the main facts of news, customs, society, both current and above all from the past. Generally it is a “only” spoken broadcast, but occasionally there may also be a song on schedule. In our radio lounge we also talk about cinema, theater, music. All strictly ITALIAN STYLE. The transmission is kindly hosted on WRMI Radio Miami Internation, historical Shortwave radio (shortwave radio network) that can be listened to all over the world on SHORT WAVES: that with its powerful transmitters and its powerful antennas located in Okeechobee (it is a city of United States of America located in Florida, in Okeechobee County, of which it is the capital), reach all over the world. I wait for you, on the following days and times: Saturday 19.45 UTC (20.45 solar time / 21.45 summer time) Saturday 21.00 UTC (22.00 solar time / 23.00 summer time) Thursday 20.45 UTC (21.45 solar time / 22.45 summer time) + 1 Italian time (Standard time from Sunday 31 October to Sunday 27 March) +2 Italian Time (summer time from Sunday 28 March to Sunday 31 October). On WRMI Radio Miami Internazionale with my Show I Love Italy, however, we invite you to visit the website: wrmi.net Air time, available HERE !!! Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iloveitalywrm |
My home studio, located in the Oltrepo Pavese (renamed Studio Pirata Oltrepo).
LISTEN LIVE MY WEBRADIO ON AIR 24/ 24 : Or Copy and Paste One of these links, On your favorite player (ITunes VLC, Winamp etc.) :
WRMI airtime:
Saturday 20:45 UTC
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" I Love Italy "
is broadcast on: WRMI short wave frequency 7730 Kilohertz airtime: Saturday 20:45 UTC.
ROP radiointernet , airtime: https://www.sunflowersstation.com nightly 23:59 UTC - 06:00 UTC
is broadcast on: WRMI short wave frequency 7730 Kilohertz airtime: Saturday 20:45 UTC.
ROP radiointernet , airtime: https://www.sunflowersstation.com nightly 23:59 UTC - 06:00 UTC
Speaker |
|ilove-italy.com di Andrea Mangiarotti è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Unported.
Based on a work at http://www.andreamangiarotti.com
Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso Creative Commons Attribuzione.